
We recommend some basic materials for meetings that TEEN-ANON itself does not provide yet.

These include:

Recovery chips , to reward teens for continued is your choice what milestones you celebrate. We recommend 30 days, 90 days, 1 year. You will want to give chips out at one meeting a month, after the close of the meeting. Chips can be ordered from NA in California. An order form is in your Leader's Guide to reproduce.

12-step poster. Have this up in your meeeting room before the start of each meeting. It can be ordered from NA.

12-step sheet. The steps should be read at the beginning of each meeting. It is on-line and in the Leader's guide.

About Addiction. Also for the beginning of each meeting, to be read out loud. It is online and in the Leader's guide.

12 Promises. It is online and in the Leader's guide to reproduce. It should be on the meeting literature table and you may want to read it after the steps at the beginning of a meeting.

12 Steps of Insanity. This is a 'reverse' of the steps. It is not to read at a meeting but should be on the literature table. It is online and in the Leader's guide and comes from the ACOA organization.

Youth and Recovery. It's an NA pamphlet that should be on your meeting literature table to be given out. Order it from NA (eventually, by mid-2000, Teen-Anon will have its own).

Are you an addict/alcoholic? Warning signs of addiction. You'll find both online and in your Leader's guide to reproduce and they should always be on your meeting literature table.

Daily Wisdom/Meditations. There are several good ones. You can order them online at throuh Hazelden and Amazon. Before the open share part of each meeting, a member should read one page out loud or pick a section from the book's index related to one of the steps.

Drug specific flyers. These describe symptoms, dangers, behavior of each drug. They are online and in Leader's guide. You will want to have them to answer questions.

AA/NA/CA /Al-Anon Local Meeting lists. Teen-Anon suggests and you should suggest that your teeen members attend 2 or 3 regular meetings in their area to see what older addicts and alcoholics have gone through and what longer sobriety is like. Call up your local AA/NA/CA/Al-Anon and get their current meeting lists for your locale and phone numbers.

Serenity Prayer/Lord's Prayer. You will want to have the whole group say the Serenity Prayer at the beginning of the meeting and then hold hands at the close of the meeting and say the Lord's Prayer or 'Closing Affirmation.' All are online and in your Leader's guide. Have about 5-7 of each to spread around the floor so everyone can see them.

Treatment programs. Teens may need treatment programs. Your Leader's guide contains national referral phone numbers to find local treatment. Be sure to have them available at meetings.

TA-Store. We highly recommend DOING LIFE workbooks for group leaders for use in the groups. They are written for 7th-9th. grade reading levels. We also recommend several 12-step meditation books for use in the groups. You will find them in The Teen-Anon Store.

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TEEN-ANON is affiliated with Streetcats Foundation for Youth and National Childrens Coalition

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